Page 138



Page 138

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Discussion (17)¬

  1. Moi says:

    Ahhahaha. THE BEST.

  2. Akamar says:

    Last panel.. Gonna die…oh gods, too funny

  3. Onick says:

    bwhahahahahah so funny!

  4. inuyashakoneko says:

    lol i just woke up flatmate with my laughing… i love Ginerva. XD

    I love all the characters really. 😛

  5. Almost Literally says:


  6. Me says:

    Ahahahaha last panel is the best!

  7. Roma says:

    LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!XDDDDDDDDD!!!!! OMG!!!!!!!!

  8. Dominic says:

    This supports the japanese schoolgirl angle, I’d say.

  9. Almost Literally says:

    The rip in her shirt on her shoulder looks like a heart!

  10. Scorps says:

    This is hilarious. xD
    Love the last panel.

  11. Wasabi says:

    Oh, gods! I laughed ’till I cried!

  12. donbionicle says:


  13. Hex says:

    If she looks cute when she’s mad, you can only imagine how he sees her now.

  14. please bite me says:

    Audric is (how Lucien would put it) “a few horses short of cavalry”

  15. Magna Moon says:

    You gotta be kidding me! He did all that for finding out whether she still loved him?! Well… at least we got a gig.

  16. Avr says:

    Best. Page.

  17. Lodemaii says:

    She IS cute when she’s mad. XD
    And double that with Audric’s Hello Kitty glasses.
